Browse The Best
Loan Deals
At One Place!

Choose only from fully-certified, highly reviewed and rated licensed money lenders in Singapore. Quality assured.

what we do

A fully independent finance website, we want to offer our readers a comprehensive and well-researched view into the moneylending options available in Singapore.

We Find Licensed Money Lenders in Singapore

With the prevalence of loan scams and illegal lenders, we first verify the money lenders that are licensed by the Ministry of Law.

We Review their Service and Products

Different lenders offer different level of service and products. We do site visits and customer service experience research to give them an independent rating.

You Save Time by Choosing only the Best

How do you know you're not falling into a scam or bad practices if you're taking a personal loan for the first time? With us, you can be sure!

Borrow with Confidence

Choose only Legal and Licensed Money Lenders

We do the leg-work in sorting out the licensed and legal ones from the illegal ones.

Borrow from the Best Reviewed Lenders

If you need a loan, you should choose only from the best licensed money lenders.

Avoid Loan Scams

Save yourself time, money and grief, and avoid all loan scams and illegal lending activities.

Are you sure?

How do you know you’re not falling for a scam or a bad deal if you’re borrowing for the first time? With us, you can be sure!


We are here to solve your problem and delivery your needs

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Loan Scams Avoided


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